About Us
robdwyer.net provides a wide range of services designed to deliver to customers, high level expertise in the utilisation of Information Technology. In the way that large companies can access Executive level advice and direction implementing IT, robdwyer.net offer a service to provide advice and direction for customers looking to get greater efficiency and value from their IT investment. We can assist in dealing with and "keeping honest" third party managed service providers or simply improving the efficiency of current systems.
With the growing threat from issues such as cyber security and natural disasters, we find addressing these issues increasingly in demand. We work to ensure you have properly addressed the well being of your IT Assets and are secure in the knowledge that the continuity of your business operations are protected.

Our mission
We're on a mission to provide quality, high performance IT advice and development for organisations that are not yet large enough to employ such resources in a full time capacity.
Our vision
We want to see organisations utilise Information Technology that powers their goals and success. Too often we see IT investment that is ill conceived, poorly implemented and never used to its full potential. Our vision is to help organisations reach their full potential, through carefully considered and harnessed Information Technology.